Product Range


Different Technologies


Different Technologies

Availablity Versus Usablity
For some applications there is a very clear choice of which technology would be best suited, while for other applications there is no clear winner and two or more technologies can be used with different customers/end users preferring one solution over another.

The general consensus view across the industry for the different technologies can be summarized as follows:

  • SMS - all phones have it, everyone uses it. Hence great coverage and while actually not that easy to use, everybody (within the target group age 16 to 35’s) know how to use it, but it has a very basic interface.

Text Message Growth: UK Operator Figures –
April 2000 to April 2005

  • WAP/browser – virtually all phones shipped over the last four years have some form of integrated WAP/browser technology – again providing a high enabled customer base. Over hyped in its early days around 1999-2000 browser services have advanced in leaps particularly with the introduction of colour high resolution screens. The take up of browser services in the most countries including the UK is now substantial with WAP page impressions nearing 2 billion per month in the UK alone.

WAP Page Impressions – Sept 2002 to April 2005

  • J2ME - most phones have it, with virtually all new phones supporting it, with 80% + penetration within the target group. It provides much better interactive possibilities with an improved user experience.
  • Symbian – Currently only available on high-end phones (ie Nokia series 60 and above and equivalent). But plans to migrate on to mid range phones 1Q06. Provides greater interactivity and access to a wide range of mobile phone features.